You wake up old.
The present time urges an updating. Your life is a nonstop news program, with enough information to arise an ancestral anxiety. The movements are quite the same, but now we live them with a voracious intensity. Some suffer, some enjoy.
As a consequence, art does not reject this schizophrenic march. On the contrary, nourishes the desire for news, in a circuit fed by the hope of finding a creative spark, a surprising bracket, a derailed track…
In order to shuffle and increase the flow or people and ideas, there comes ENTRETANTO. It has no intention of solving, but gently intends to propose. It’s an art fair, but it’s also an alternative business model, particularly necessary in this fast developing market. It’s born from the desire to support artists without galleries, from production through sale. It links the artist and the market.
An annual and mobile exhibition place not only presents, but also pays commission (in this case, 80% of the works), sells and communicates, transferring 70% of the paid amount to the artist. The amount left pays the cost of production.
During three days, 21 artists will exhibit their oeuvre. Among them there are new talented artists and some others with already a regular production background. None of them has permanent link with the formal commercial art circuit. Some for they didn’t have the chance to exhibit; some made other choices.
Art collector, marchands, gallerists, journalists and others interested in art are the target audience of this small outline, which will gain a specific curatorial focus in each edition. This first one counts on the curators Luisa Duarte and Fernando Oliva, who are young strengths in the circuit. They are responsible for the selection of artworks in The Detour is the Target (O Desvio é o Alvo), the first ENTRETANTO.
Daniela Thomas and Felipe Tassara sign the expography. Together with the projects, it intends to demystify the art and bring it closer to the visitor. It can take place in a house, on a street or in a place without any tradition in the art circuit. It opens a new door to a promising art. The movement is loose – curators organize the manifestations, though the order is subtle. Freedom prevails.
The following artists take part in the first ENTRETANTO:
Adriano Costa, Alexandre B., Ana Mazzei, André Sztutman, Bhagavan David, Bruno Palazzo, Bruno Storni, Bruno Baptistelli, Clara Ianni, Cristiano Lenhardt, Daniel de Paula, Daniel Scandurra, Deyson Gilbert, Guilherme Peters, Henrique César, Iara Freiberg, Michel Zózimo, Pedro Maia, Roger Satoru, Virginia de Medeiros and Wallace Masuko.
They’re a collective heading infinite. Amuse yourself guessing the direction.